
So me and my now fiancé went to Malta this week. Had an amazing time, I even had him go horse riding with me😃🐴 well, Wednesday night, HE PROPOSED. Completely over the moon. But..... let me tell you all how it went down:

So we’d been out all day, walking round, up and down the many, many hills of Valletta. I was tired as hell. I just wanted to curl up in bed with a cup of tea and cuddle up with him. So, we get back to the hotel and I’m dying for the toilet so I go, do my dump (tmi I know but it’s part of the funny bit). Just before I come out the bathroom I completely strip leaving only my undies on. I walk out the bathroom and go over to the wardrobe to change into my jammies and he comes up behind me and starts cuddling me. I’m trying to get a shirt on and he says to me ‘babe are you sure you wanna marry me and spend the rest of your life with me?’ So I reply ‘well if I didn’t, I wouldn’t?’ And I feel him get something out his pocket and I look and it’s the ring we picked out s few weeks back! I just look at him, tears welling up in my eyes and he says ‘put it on then’ 😂😂

Guys he proposed to me while I was stark naked right after I had a shit😂😂 his excuse: I wanted it to be memorable therefore I will never forget how he proposed😂

Been together 4 years off and on but this time it’s been really good. Just as good as our first year together. We just can’t get enough of each other. We recently had a really rough time putting an application in for a house (to rent, can’t afford to buy yet) and the day after his work terminated his contract because they fucked up 2 years ago. Well he recently got offered a new job pretty similar to his old one for more money. Now instead of him being an aircraft mechanic on planes, he’s an aircraft mechanic on helicopters and I couldn’t be more proud of him. I’m so in love with him.

Next step: house hunting again😌🥰💙