Are we there yet ???


So came up with my baby girl new nickname ( jelly bean ) reason for it is because she does this weird position that makes my belly look like a awkward jelly bean. Anywho almost 36 weeks and getting more contractions everyday. They aren’t changing really, I’ll get like 4 a day same pain level. But last night omg my husband is military so he had to wake up at 3 am the next day but for some reason little one wouldn’t chill out and then I started having bad contractions around 10 and they wouldn’t go away and they just got worse and worse, then I started having bad period cramps and pelvic pressure but I was like maybe I should go chill in the tub for 30 minutes next thing I know I’m up at 12 something throwing up everything I ate that day and I’m just weak and tired but still having contractions. So my poor husband not know what to do tries to help but I’m irritated and such and, I’m like just go get me water don’t touch me( I feel bad about it now ) I don’t know what’s going on with my body I don’t know if my cervix is just thinning out since I’m getting closer to giving birth or my body is just being mean and playing cruel jokes on me.