Are you prepared?



If there was ever a completely disastrous event where our government and society was crumbling (think shows like the walking dead, but not reserved to zombies specifically lol biological warfare/financial collapse/etc.) Do you think you're prepared for the fallout? Do you have a back up/escape plan?

Bonus question: do you think an event like that would bring out the best or the worst in people?

Vote below to see results!

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Posted at
Lol no. I’d be dead in the first wave. I don’t think I’d want to live through an apocalypse anyway. I suspect it would bring out both the best and worst in people. Incredible sacrifices and acts of courage. Incredible acts of cilantro.


✌🏻🌚 Moon • May 7, 2019
This autocorrect truly made me lol 😂


✈️ • May 5, 2019
The funny thing is I love cilantro. My phone just seems to have a vendetta against it for some reason. 😂


Qu • May 5, 2019
I'm wondering if I've only had bad cilantro. It tastes like dish soap more often than not, yet I LOVE culantro, which is supposedly a stronger taste than cilantro. I can't explain it. 🤷‍♀️


Posted at
I have zero will to live in the event of a zombie outbreak or anything that would have me showerless and funky for days upon days. So no I’m not prepared and I think it’ll bring out the worse in people but just like any society there’ll be good and bad divisions.


Posted at
I'm fully prepared. To die. The medicine I need to stay alive is extremely difficult to make, can only be made in a high tech lab, and is specifically made to my blood. Without it I'd suffocate in about a month. So if something happened that collapsed society, I'd opt out first thing. I wanna die on my terms


Ce • May 5, 2019
It's ok! As long as I get my medicine I live a fairly normal life! I just have REALLY servere asthma. With my medicine I just can't do like, crazy shit. I can't hike above the tree line kinda stuff. I've been sick my whole life so it's all I know.


gj • May 5, 2019
I have hypothyroidism and theoretically I can survive without it (I did for about 20 of my 26 years alive), but I never thought about more severe problems like yours. I'm sorry about whatever illness you have.


Posted at
Yes. We are meeting my sister and her family and hiding out somewhere in Florida since there are plenty of fresh water sources. They make straws that filter out nasty shit from water so we would have those plus other ways of purifying water. We have weapons for defences and hunting. Dogs also for defences and hunting. And a game plan of who is going where to raid shit. My sister and I talk about this shit all the time. And I definitely think it would bring out the worst in people. Which is why I'm glad I've got my sister and her family on my side.


Qu • May 5, 2019
It's okay, I live here and she's always welcome with me. The visitors pass that never expires! 🤣🤣🤣


Me • May 5, 2019
Florida is closed, we have more than enough people for the amount of resources. Lol


Posted at
I don't even know how to answer this question other than... I'll do what it takes to make sure my child survives.


Posted at
I'm kinda waiting for a zombie apocalypse tbh. I'd be fine. Lol


Posted at
Most people couldn't even last a few days without electricity. We all really should know how to cook over a fire and have the resources to do so.


Bo • May 5, 2019
That means you'd need to know how to start a fire... Which even less people know how to start a fire (without a lighter/firestarter) than know how to cook... And even then you'd also need to know how to set up traps and kill animals to eat and identify what types of pants are edible.


Posted at
Kinda. I'd be ok for a while but probably not long term. I went through a prepper phase so I've got some things stockpiled.


Posted at
Yeah, I’m pretty prepared. My dad is definitely a conspiracy theorist and thinks some kind of catastrophe is going to happen soon, so he’s been preparing 🙄😂. We have a storm shelter that is underground and hidden, and he’s got a ton of survival supplies hidden down there. Non perishables, extra blankets, fire starters, weapons, extra clothes, water purifiers, I could go on. He even blew $1,000 on a compostable toilet to store down there 🤦🏻‍♀️. He’s definitely extra, but it is nice to know that it’s there in case something happens 🤷🏻‍♀️.


Skank • May 7, 2019
Your dad is GREAT! lol this is awesome


Kate • May 5, 2019
If you can make it to Kentucky in an apocalypse then y’all are more than welcome. Our bomb shelter is your bomb shelter 😂


Kate • May 5, 2019
Yeah, I feel the same way. I don’t think we’ll ever need it, but it does make me feel better knowing it’s there just in case. It is kind of embarrassing when he’s got his survival gear sitting out to go through & replace some stuff and company comes over 😂


Posted at
I have a passport. That’s my only backup plan and if that’s not possible I’m definitely not prepared lol. And situations like that bring out the worst in people