I don’t get it??

My husband is going to watch the new Avengers: Endgame by himself tonight. He would take me, but it’s not a movie I am interested in watching. I haven’t even seen Infinity war. I’m not a big superhero movie fan. I’d rather read the comic if anything. My mom is visiting and saw he was going by himself and told me she thinks that’s “unacceptable”. She says even if it’s not a movie that I want to watch I should still go with him. I don’t understand that logic. He needs alone time and he likes movies so I don’t see a problem with him going alone. Normally if I go to the movie it’s to see a movie we both want to see. Other than that I don’t like going to the show house. I’m a hermit and don’t like even going out at all so if he gets me out of the house to do something it’s a win for him. Is it unacceptable for him to go alone? Does it make me a bad partner?

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