Should I wait on him or say bye bye?

Tay • Tay❤

I've been talking to this guy for about two months, met him on pof. He checks off everything on my list. He's always have me laughing, he tells the truth (sometimes too much), he's smart, he's working on becoming a police officer. The sex is great and I love being around him. Our vibes is great together. I spend almost every weekend at his house. He caters to my every need. We act like a couple, both of our friends says we need to be together. He tells me he loves me every day all day.

But he tells me he's just not ready for a relationship. I think it's cause he got out of a three year relationship in November, she was his first love and she broke his heart. He tells me it's because he's an Army Veteran and he has moments were he gets sad and mad because of it. He feels that it will mess up his new relationship, because it did to his last one.

We're not exclusive so we talk to other people. He tells me about other girls he may talk to and I tell him about other guys. We haven't had sex with anyone else. We've both only talked to one other person. The other guy and girl we talked to only lasted a week.

I want the relationship and I'm getting to the point that I want it now. I have people telling me just to wait until he's ready but I guess I just don't want him talking to anyone else. We both feel that it's no point of being exclusive if we're not in a relationship.

Should I wait on him or say bye bye?