Why is he acting like this?

So I used to be close with this guy in my class and he would talk to me and was a real gentleman. We got along really well. And then we had a one night stand and we stopped talking. I should say he is the best I've ever had. In bed he is very dominant and I don't mind it at all. A week later I had sex with his roommate.

I am very open about my sexual life and I don't mind having casual sex. Then about a month later he started talking to me again and we also sexted once til 3am. A few days later we were talking on snapchat and I was with my guy friend and he saw it on snapchat.

He messaged me, "Who's that little slut?"

I replied, "Who are you calling little slut" and he said "you"

I said, "I'm not a slut" a bit offended too

And he replied, "Just mine then."

What would you say to this? I don't know if it's just his personality or what