Baby is here!!


I was Due May 15th, had a scheduled C-section May 10th. This is our 4th child and FIRST BOY!

Went to labor and delivery because I was having VERY intense pains where my previous CS scar was. It felt like I had freshly got cut open and they forgot to give me something for the pain. I couldn’t walk, sit, or use the restroom. It was horrible.

Went in and I was having contractions, they were about every 2 mins and lasted for 45/50 seconds. Was 2cm my last app and last time I came to L&D BUT when the on call doctor checked me she said I was not even dilated🙄

ANYWAY. The pain was unbearable and my blood pressure went up to 166/119. It stood high like that for awhile.

I have previously had preeclampsia (with 2nd child) so they started doing blood work and urine test to see if I had gotten it again.

Within a few hours my test came back and they weren’t good. There was protein in my urine, so they quickly called my doctor and she said that she would just do the C-section today.

I literally thought that they were gonna give me fluids like last time and send me home BUT my records in the hospital (showing my blood pressure being high) and the contractions it was a no go.

Baby boy was born May 4th, 2019.

Weighting 9lbs 21.3in long.

Welcome to the world Arrow Scott Rodriguez!

Isn’t he just a cute little chunky monkey!!🥰