Need help!

Hey girls,

I’m quite young and I really think I might be pregnant but I’m not too sure. I’ve taken a test and it’s come back negative but I think I might’ve taken it too early bc I’ve been getting some symptoms. If I am, I would be maybe about three months in.

I’m scared and I don’t know what to do.

I am in a healthy, strong relationship with my boyfriend and I am close to my family, but I don’t know how to tell my mum bc I’m not sure how she’d react.

Please give me advice on what to do!

Symptoms I’ve been feeling:

Backache, nausea (have thrown up 6 times in the last two weeks), mood swings, cravings for avocado (which I hate), fatigue and headaches. I haven’t gotten a stomach but I’m not sure if you get one around 10-12 weeks.

I also had light bleeding about 5 days after I had sex and bled for about a week.

Please give advice.

Thank you.