Baby number 2!

A little back ground..I’ve been with my boyfriend/fiancé (we probably won’t get married because if insurance reasons😒) for 8 years in July. We have a 4 year old daughter together (she’s autistic so that’s the insurance reasons) anyways! We tried for her, for like 6 months. Ended up forgetting about it because it wasn’t happening & we had to move. I ended up getting pregnant when I was 17, had her the day I turned 18. I’ve ALWAYS had irregular periods. I would bleed for months & only have a 4 day break. I tried the pill, the bar in my arm, the shot, & they told me I had endometriosis & I wouldn’t have kids so she was a miracle. My periods were so painful I would get hot flashes, I’d puke, get chills, I’d eventually pass out in the bathroom. So I got pregnant with her, after I had her my periods were still crazy! Ended up getting on the shot again, no periods. Well in December it was so bad I went to the ER & they put me on the patch. I wore it for two weeks but it gave me such bad headaches I couldn’t function. So I stopped putting it on & we decided start TTC in January. Then all the sudden my periods are normal? Jan 7th-12th

Feb 1st-5th, March 2nd-5th, April 1st-5th & now it was April 30th- May 4th. Here are my ovulation tests & picture of them on premom. We want another so bad. 😭😭