In Need Of Break Up Advice🙁

Anna • Mommy Of 1 Baby #2 Coming Soon 😍 8-11-18• 8-23-19

Well To Start Off Me And My Ex Boyfriend Had Been Together Nearly 3 Years And We Have An 8 Month Old Son and Another One on the Way.

But I guess To Start Off he's cheated on me many times and always begged me not to leave him and me being the forgiving person that I am I always believed him and took him back. He's Always Blamed me saying that I'm the reason he cheats and I stayed with him no matter what just because i wanted things to work out Well Its been a while and he stopped Cheating On me and I thought we were pretty much happy even though we would argue a lot I didn't want to lose him but now all of a sudden he just left (we live together) and he didn't necessarily break up with me but he did message me that he is single and doesnt text me or call me anymore & For Some reason even though everything he put me through I still feel sad I still feel like its my fault that he left and I still just wish hed come back and things would be like when I first met him.

I guess my question is is it my fault ? Did I run him away ? How can I stop feeling sad and at fault? 🙁🙁