10 week old help


So my (as of tomorrow) 10 week old has been acting kind of strange this weekend. He slept amazing Friday night and only woke up for 1 feed at 3:30 am when he usually wakes up for 2 feeds. Now today he has been eating about 2 oz every hour since 4:00pm and its now 9:00pm. He has also been sleeping a ton tonight and just waking up to eat and then sleeping but also seems to be having some intense nightmares that have woken him up a few times with some out of nowhere crying. I'm honestly not sure what is going on. He was a pretty happy baby for most of the weekend but has been super fussy since he started cluster feeding tonight. He takes breast Milk in a bottle for the most part except some early morning feedings and late evening sometimes.

Anybody have any idea what is going on?