
Ash • Mommy to Sterling 10 October 16 Jensen 25 August 19

I’m not selling scentsy or anything like that so I hope and don’t think I’m breaking any rules. Let me know if I am and I will delete the post.

So long story short I’m moving 28hrs away (from Cali to Texas) while 30+weeks pregnant. My and my husband are very used to my income. And I’m fully aware I can apply everywhere and I may look great on paper but the second I get an interview and they see me and my huge belly they will shred that application so fast. And I know that. So I told my husband that I’m not going to be working that I will go back to work when baby is 3 months old. That’s when I went back with my first and I refuse to go back sooner with my second. Especially since it’s my last. Anyways my husband is so so stressed about being on one income. Me not as much. Maybe I’m to optimistic and he’s to realist. But in my head I’m like so many families the family decides mom will be a stay at home mom. So I know it’s fully possible. It’s just not what we’re used to and will need to adjust accordingly. Well I’m really not into selling things I usually think it’s super lame. But a friend came to me asking if I wanted to sell scentsy while I was staying home with the kids. That’s that’s what helped her be able to help a little bills and stay home with her son. I just don’t know if it’s a scheme or worth it, I just want honest truth. I don’t wanna do it and fall in my face or make no money and disappoint my husband or myself. I want to be able to lessen the stress and burden on my husband of trying to support us but I don’t want to go back to work before the three months. Anyways what do y’all think of scentsy? Those that sell what do you think? What kind of income is it realistically? I’m sure it’s not a lot but I literally don’t have the slightest clue.