Needing a pep talk.


When my son was born, he was in the 85th percentile. At one month, he was in the 39th percentile. Now at 2 months, he is in the 3rd percentile. He's gaining weight, but not as quickly as expected. I am working with a lactation consultant to try to get him to gain weight. I have great milk production. He just is more of a snacker than a "meal" guy. I feel like I let this happen because I was told to feed him on demand and did so, almost to a fault. The LC's theory is that he doesn't get full enough to sleep well, and ends up burning all the calories he consumed by being awake. Progress has been slow and I'm just feeling like the worst mom ever. I could really use some similar stories that give me hope. Also, I feel like he could have GERD, but the LC seems to think his spitting up is within normal limits.