Considering weaning

Barbara 👧👶

My daughter will be 2 next month and she nurses like she's a newborn. She's never been a good eater. She'll an apple slice or two and maybe some crackers. Just snack stuff. She's super picky and anytime she's teething (she's getting her last molars right now) she eats even less and nurses more. We co sleep and she nurses a lot throughout the night. I was mostly fine with our arrangement but I'm now 5 weeks pregnant and my boobs are so tender. Not only that but I'm even more tired than before so that coupled with still being woken up by her multiple times a night is not pleasant.

Does anyone have any tips on how to begin to wean a boob obsessed toddler? I don't need it to happen over night but I just want to know we're working towards it. I'm a stay at home mom and my husband has been gone a lot for training for work so having him help isn't a great option since he's not around consistently enough.

Any advice or even just knowing I'm not the only one who has gone though this would be appreciated!