Ovulation test confusion

canadiangrl💋 • 24❤️ young nurse 👩‍⚕️ 8/23/18 🔒💑

So I’ve been under tons of stress this month and thought I was not gonna ovulate. But I got my positive OPK on CD14 and the surge lasted roughly 24hours. My positive seems to be that the test line is way darker compared the control line. I did however not have any ovulation pain this month. Now, I saw the LH drop back to negative levels and today I tested again for some reason and it’s almost positive on CD19? I swear I’ve never had this happen or I’ve never checked before. I also have left sided pain but it feels more intestinal to me. I have very regular periods and always ovulate around the same time and this is out of the norm. I swear I ovulated CD 14. Anyone have any insight?