Should I let him pay ?

So I’m in a tricky situation.

My boyfriend cheated on me. I ALREADY had OCD (not his fault). But when he cheated on me he accidentally triggered my OCD in the form of illness anxiety. Essentially I was convinced I had STI/STDs.

Basically illness anxiety is also known as hypochondria and when a doctor tells you you’re ok you pretty much don’t believe them and you keep getting test and getting checked out it’s very expensive. My doctors bill was $3000 after about a month of going to the doctors every week (UC and ER are expensive) and my therapy bill was about $900. I’ve gotten all that taken care of, and my health is a lot better.

But... I ended up taking a semester off of college because my illness anxiety got so bad. Because of this I had to push graduation back and add 2 more semesters (yes 2 bc some of the classes I need aren’t offered in the summer session so I NEED autumn semester). But because I’m now at my 9th semester my school isn’t giving me the same amount of financial aid (eligibility maxes out at 8 semesters).

My ex and I are still in contact sometimes and he’s been saying he wants to be friends blah blah. I sorta gotta upset and essentially said idk if I feel meeting up with you is right bc this relationship is toxic and it’s taking a toll on my mental health and idek how I can afford college.

He offered to give me half the cost of my tuition after the aid they gave me which is $600. The cost of my tuition isn’t that bad but basically my family doesn’t have a lot of money, I’ve been getting through college on scholarships and grants.

Idk, would it be wrong if I took the money??

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