I can finally breathe.

Just a quick backstory, my last menstrual period was March 20th, on April 20th I woke up to spotting so I assumed it was my period. By midday, the spotting was gone so I decided to take a pregnancy test on the 21st. It came out positive to my surprise but I started spotting again. I kept spotting for almost 2 weeks and had 1 ER visit, 2 labs of bloodwork and 2 transvaginal ultrasounds. Once the bleeding stopped (I did end up bleeding to the point of needing a pad) I felt like I could finally calm down. Then one of the ladies for the ultrasound sounded concerned that there was something wrong and scared the fuck out of me. I was back to being an anxious mess. Buuuut today after my 3rd ultrasound, the lady showed me my baby's heart beating and I cannot explain the relief that I felt. To see that little heart beating was everything for me. The anxiety, doubts, fears everything subsided and all I could feel is love. I feel like I've been holding my breath since the moment I saw the 2 lines on the positive up until now. I feel like I can finally breathe. Thank you, God.