Early periods when TTC

Has anyone else experienced their periods coming early while TTC? July I was 4 days early, August was spot on when I should start and Sept I was 4 days early again. We started TTCing in July. I am always pretty on point monthly. Have a 29 day cycle. We started trying in July and we currently have a 14 month old. Seems weird my periods starting going wonky when we started trying. This time around I was SURE I was pregnant. Got two faint lines a few days ago. But when AF started today, very disappointing. Anyone else experience this? Also, I had my early with gyno on 9/9. He said my left ovary was full and had discharge and I he thought I was ovulating. I took an OV test on 9/10 and 9/11 they were negative. We had sex 9/5 9/7 9/9.