TTC with PCOS and Hypothyroidism

Lindsy • My husband and I tried for a baby June 2014-August 2017. Diagnosed with PCOS and Hashimotos August 2015 after no luck with meformin and synthroid alone decided to have Gastric Bypass in November of 2017. Officially TTC after gastric bypass!


I was diagnosed with PCOS and Hypothyroidism in late July and my doctor put me on Metformin, Synthroid, and BC pill (temporarily to balance my hormones) in hopes to regulate my cycles and to start ovulation again. 2 months later the combination seems to be working, my cycles are a perfect 28 days (yay!!) and I feel normal again. My doctor said after 2-3 months I would be fine to quit the BC and then start TTC again and now I'm right around the corner from that and I'm so nervous! I'm really worried that going off the birth control is going to mess everything up again. I will continue the Synthroid and Metformin along with prenatal, folic acid, and fish oil but am so afraid that it's not going to be enough! Anyone else in the same boat or have been in the past?? Anyone have any luck getting pregnant with the same problem??