What is wrong with me?

Recently started meal prepping with my boyfriend because yeah I ate like crap before. I’ve gained some weight (before him & I got together!) I also have family things going on & school stress of course. (Uncle passed away, grandmother is dying.. etc) but I noticed I’ve been really fatigue like I have to have a mid day nap if I’m home or I lay down because I get so lethargic & fatigue feeling that I just crash. I sleep pretty well at night (most nights I’m with him) and honestly I normally fall asleep before him the latest even on weekends I can push myself to stay up is like that 11.

But also with my fatigue/lethargic feeling I noticed I’ve been gaining and losing 3-5 pounds within a few days. I am super self conscious about my stomach. It seems to be where my weight gain goes. ( we are sexually active, he uses condoms & I have an iud )