Car Seat Straps


Just a friendly reminder about car seat straps. I’ve seen a handful of posts over the past few weeks with photos of babies in their car seats and the straps are loose and/or twisted, or at the wrong height. I don’t want to call out anyone directly, and I also know we sometimes take photos of our little ones in their car seats when the car is not moving and we haven’t finished strapping them in yet. So just in case anyone isn’t sure, here are some basic rules regarding car seat straps to keep all our babies safe.

Make sure the straps are snug and NOT twisted.

And make sure the shoulder straps are at or BELOW shoulder level for rear-facing

And make sure to check as our babies grow that we are moving those shoulder straps up as they pass the next level, and double check your car seat manual for instructions on other changes you need to make as baby grows. (For example: removing infant inserts, changing crotch buckle position or length, switching to the outer loop to hook the straps at the back of the car seat, etc. )