Exactly what my body needs

Victoria • SAHM mom to three amazing kids 9 months, 2, 12 been married for 4 months but been with my husband 8 years the motto we live by is live your best life

So this green smoothie is exactly what my body is asking for. It was my birthday weekend and yes I indulged just a little. My body says no that isn't ok. I've been sticking to a diet and exercise plan with no problem. We went out to eat one last time last night and my body is not liking me. I've just started to drink green smoothies and if you haven't tried this you must. I started with spinach and you can't taste it at all. There are so many great recipes out there and so healthy and packed with good for you stuff. If you would like a few recipes to try inbox me and I'll give you some. I've honestly gained more energy drinking these and I have lost at least 5lbs. My kids have even started to drink these with me and they love them.