

My bf had 2 kids with his ex. His oldest passed away from a genetic disorder at 8 months old. Fast forward to us. Weve tried to get pregnant twice before. I lost both to miscarriage (at 6 and 10 weeks). I am pregnant now, with what will be my first biological child....but my bf while he says he is happy has become very distant. We had a big talk about it and he told me that every pregnancy from now until forever he will be terrified. Hes scared another one of his children will have sma and he cant go through that loss again. He says he feels like distancing himself will protect him if something does go wrong. I understand where he is coming from and I support him. But I also have needs. This is my first baby. I want to talk about what I'm experiencing, my thoughts and fears. Now I just feel like I cant. He says he still wants the pictures, and to know what's going on, but doesnt want to talk about it everyday. Even when I do bring it up its one word answers or the topics changed. I have a great network of gf but it's not the same as talking to the father. It hurts that he doesnt act excited. I feel so alone. I've explained this all to him and he says he knows hes being selfish but hes scared. That I'm not alone he is here with me. He works out of town 4 days a week and we talk even less than usual.

I dont know what to do. I have been feeling extra needy. Almost over compensating for his distance...but that just makes me feel more alone. I dunno if I should just try and embrace it and not tell him about what's happening till he asks....