Serial killer or nah..?

Okay so.. I couldn’t sleep last nite and decided to go hang out with my narcissistic ex, and smoke a Lil weed u know. I forgot about this topic, but I think my ex might actually be a serial killer..

There’s a lot of signs.. but Basically we lived together for 4 months a few years ago, and one time I went in his closet while he was at work and rummaged around out of curiosity.. and I found a bunch of weird shit in there, like rubber gloves and a shitload of keys and a nutcracker..? And rusty screwdrivers and a bunch of other weird shit, like childhood drawings of some kid hitting another kid with a brick off the top of a roof? Idk man.. but I was watching that Ted Bundy documentary on Netflix and I noticed the ex girlfriend basically found all the same weird crap that I did and grew suspicious..

There’s a million other reasons why I think this, and have thought this sober.. the first day we met he drove me home from class (we met in college) n I was pretty sure I was gonna die that day.. he was listening to creepy ass dark techno industrial kind of music, not normal stuff really u had to be there.. we kept driving around n getting lost, it was dark af out.. I was so scared I sat there convincing him I’m one of him, lol. Jesus Christ..

Anyways, I get home one night after class and have sleep paralysis where someone was coming up the stairs to my room n tried to open the door to murder me.. but the door never opened n I couldn’t get up.. anyways, a few weeks later I see on the news that a bunch of dead bodies were found in the neighborhood.. that’s weird, considering I felt like something was off...

Where were they found u ask...? Right across the water from where he lived.. btw, he has a bondage/tickle fetish.. if that’s not a sign then idk what is. When i was hanging out with him yesterday, he shaved his beard for the first time in years.. and he def has “The Look”.. u know, the serial killer look.. he looked up at me all google eyes, trying to charm me.. he is pretty good looking n manly.. he showed me pics on his phone of sheet rock and jars..? Saying he’s trying to invent a “bug blinder”.. by using copper to reflect the light from the sun blabla.. I didn’t see any copper but okay.. also wood n stuff? Idk man but I’ve checked out his phone pics before and it’s jus really weird random items in there, idk wtf.

He slipped and said something about “drawers” like his tongue slipped when he was trying to say something else.. also.. some other car was in the parking lot and threw a couple bags into the dumpster.. who was that? The cleaner/garbage guy rite? He goes around collecting trash from the offices and throws them away.. well, deadass yo it looked like body parts in those bags.. he threw them in the dumpster and it made a loud “BOOM” noise, indicating the shit was heavy.. wtf kinda garbage in an office could be that dam heavy..? Idk man but he looked creepy as hell and so did his car... he had a camera/scope looking shit on the roof of his car, wtf..?

Anyways, my ex was telling me that when he would ask his parents for “help” they would jus tell him to “toughen up”. Idk man but a week after I found that weird shit in the closet, he moved out.. out of fuckin nowhereee.. we didn’t argue or anything, I was so devastated and confused. I jus got home from work one day n all his stuff was gone.. He’s only been in one relationship since then (4years ago) n lives at his uncles house now.. idk wtf man, but he was evil as hell and would basically mentally torture me the whole time we dated.. but like, subtly and evil.. making me question my sanity etc...

Anyways.. I’m sure there’s more reasons but the one that got me the most was the rubber gloves and keys.. and nutcracker. And the weird pics.. n the fact that there is an actual serial killer in the neighborhood, I’m not jus thinking this shit it’s actual dead bodies being found out there.. what should I do..?