Help me understand...


I’ve included my calendar log to help with the timeline BUT...

I had my first hCG blood draw on 4/25 and it was a 31. On 4/29 it was 103 and then today I find out yesterday’s results were still only a 340-something. I didn’t pay attention to the actual whole number because hearing a result in the 300’s has me discouraged. I know they say your hCG is supposed to double every 48-72 hours and the fact that after 8 days mine only went up by a couple hundred have me nervous. This is my fourth pregnancy and if everything goes right will be my second child. Obviously by that math I’ve had two miscarriages. No bleeding or cramping, and I’m on progesterone BID. I’m just wondering if anyone else has had slow rising levels but ended in a healthy pregnancy? I go back tomorrow for more labs🙄

I feel very discouraged but at the same time I realize nothing could be “wrong” per say.
