Anyone with a 1yo and TTC#2 and just exhausted?

Camille • ♥️ IVF baby 03/2021 • Miracle baby 11/2017 ♥️

I want to have another baby soon so they are close in age but I am so tired and trying to conceive is so much work.

It took us a long time to get pregnant with my first and I’m hoping that’s not the case again. We tried for three cycles in the beginning of the year, then my husband switched jobs and things were crazy stressful, so we haven’t really done much the last two cycles. By my next cycle my baby will already be 18 months old! Plus I’m in my 30s this time (I was 29 the first time).

But man, when we get in bed, the second my head hits the pillow I just want to pass the eff out. And temping and opks and everything is like the last thing I want to add to my already endless to-do list.

And thinking about chasing a toddler around while pregnant/with a newborn is breaking my brain. I don’t think I want to wait either though, any age combination has it’s unique challenges.

Anyway, not really looking for advice, just needed to vent a little. If you are TTC with a toddler please feel free to let it all out in the comments so I know I’m not alone!