Having a hard time... (NICU mom)


It's been now 2 weeks and 1 days since I had my son at 28 weeks exactly and I feel like I'm losing it. Dont get me wrong my son is completely healthy and everything however I feel like I'm getting lack of support from everyone now since I've had him. I wonder if this is a common thing...

The baby daddy stepped out at the last moment before I went into labor saying he wanted nothing to do with me(in like the "nicest" way), blocked me on everything even from his phone. I just found out that my brother had blocked me as well... not sure of the reason but it was only on Facebook and feeling a bit emotional about it and my sister wont even talk to me. It's like the only one helping me mentally is my mom and shes the only one other then my bestfriend Jordan to see my son. It's like my brother wants nothing to do with him even though he was so excited to be an uncle again(my sister has a kid). Same thing with the dad being super excited and now he just wants to do what he wants to do.

Maybe it's my hormones going back to normal or maybe I'm depressed?.. I have no idea but definitely feeling more emotional recently. I have to pump 8 times a day then I've been stressing to go see him because he was currently 15 minutes away(by car and I dont drive) and it would have been a hour walk but I wouldnt really know where I'm going since I'm in a different town...everything has been a mess! I've been told I'm doing great by nurses but I just dont feel like the support is there. 😔😔

If anyone can relate please comment! Heres me with my little guy doing skin to skin.