Abortion and depression

Every possible female in my family is either pregnant or has had a baby and none go over 8 months old . I had an abortion because my mom was going to kick me out so I had no choice I really wanted the baby but I'm in college and paying stuff off so I couldn't afford that , now finding out the second youngest before me (at least old enough for a baby) in the family (she's 20) is 8 weeks pregnant this has had me so down and depressed . My mom is also pregnant (9 months) I feel like she should've understood my feelings towards what she was making me do .. And if it matters I'm 18 turning 19 in a few months , just thinking of how far along I could've been and how big my bump would've been kills me and knowing that almost all our babies would've been a year old all at the same time is hard to think about , it's like 6 babies in our family 5 years from now will be 5 years old and mines could've been the same age 
Didn't know what category this topic belonged to in case anyone says anything rude .. Sorry