Question teething

Ok so my daughter is almost a year old and she is teething. My oldest was easy teething but my baby is going through a rough time. I feel horrible for her. Last Thursday she was diagnosed with a double ear infection from teething. I seriously didn’t know that was a thing. So the antibiotic is for 10 days. So I don’t know she’s actually already napping. We get up to get my other daughter on the bus and she was asleep on me 1 1/2 hrs later. No not normal for her at all . She didn’t even fight it. She was all cuddly all morning and nope she’s usually on the go. She’s got a wicked cough but my hubby said it’s the fluid draining down the back of her throat . I want to call the dr cause this whole time she hasn’t acted this way. I don’t know. Am I just being a worry wart?