Mental Health

I recently moved back to my old state to be with family after experiencing an abusive marriage. (we're separated, working on divorce) I didn't exactly have many places to go and so I went back even though they are toxic. Every where I go, I get challenged on my parenting style, why I'm not doing this the "right way", how i have to prove that I don't want to be married anymore.

It's gotten to the point of where I'm exhausted from running around, trying to get my weight back on, attempting to deal with these challenges only to have the woman I'm staying with yell at me to get my son and to be on top of him constantly (he's six months). I had fallen asleep because of all the mental, physical, and emotional stuff and didnt wake up until he had been crying for about five to ten minutes. I could have sworn I was already up and with him but I wasn't, I was asleep.

I've only been back for a week and my mental health is so bad already, I'd rather live near my soon to be ex. (Which is a whole other level of bad)

I don't fucking know anymore. I don't have a safe space here, anywhere to recharge and rest. But I can't leave here because it's the only stable place for me and my son for now.