Positive Induction!

Alexis • 22 year old momma to a sweet baby boy ❤️

Baby boy made his appearance Monday, May 6th at 7:34 pm! Got checked in for my induction at 7 am that morning, immediately got my water broken and started Pitocin. Labored med free til 1 pm and reached 4 cm. Got the epidural shortly after then progressed a couple centimeters each hour while watching a Criminal Minds marathon! Doctor came in at 7 after I complained about pressure, I was a very very loose 9 cm. 20 minutes later we started pushing! After 3 contractions and 5 minutes of pushing baby boy made his debut weighing in at 6 lbs 6 oz. and 19 inches long! We were 2 days before my due date! I’m in love.

Beckett Tate ❤️