3 Hour Glucose Test


Anyone else get sick during the 3 hr glucose test? I'm having a rough time with it.

Long story short, I've had a sugar adversion my entire pregnancy. Especially fake sugar. The taste is horrible to me and it immediately gives me heartburn and I throwup. So I was really concerned about the 1 hr glucose test. Took the 1 hr on Monday and kept it down but dr told me I got a 136 and need to do the 3 hr test. Their cutoff is 135. Just looked at my online results and see I actually got a 135. Not happy about being told the wrong number, even if it's just 1 point off. Now I'm questioning if the 3 hr is even necessary for me.

I went to take the 3 hr test anyway this morning and got sick after 45 mins so the lab wouldn't let me complete it. With having to fast, and drink 100 grams of fake sugar 🤢, I highly doubt my body will tolerate it. Anyone else have a similar experience?

I already emailed my dr to ask what they recommend and will obviously follow their advice, but I'm curious if anyone else has gone through something similar.