Help! TTC with Endo at 30...

Nikitha • Mama of Ashy boy, baby girl 🩷 on the way!

So I turned 30 and got married all in one last year. Now, we are trying for our first child. I have had Endo since I was about 16 and I’ve always had really horrible periods. So bad that they have put me in the hospital numerous times. Last year I had surgery to help correct it, but unfortunately it came back. The doctor said I had a 50/50 chance of that because I haven’t had children yet.

I guess my big question or concern would be, Has anybody else with Endo had trouble conceiving? Plus, if you did, did you go to the doctor for fertility help or continue to try naturally? I have been using an ovulation detector to track my ovulation and tracking everything else. I’m not stressed about it or really stressed in my life. So just trying to feel out other people’s situations!