Progesterone level question


I know progesterone levels cannot be used to indicate pregnancy, but if it’s higher than all the “normal” ranges how can that not be a possible sign? Is there really that huge of a range for the levels prior to starting your period?

My dr said they just want to see levels above 10, 10-15 is average. My SIL has shown me her labs from early pregnancy from her dr, and that even says for the luteal phase average levels are 1.8-24. Anything higher is normally pregnancy.

I had mine tested yesterday (would be CD 23, 11dpo) and my levels were 33.8. They have never been that high; highest was 20 last month.

I know that some women get pregnant and have levels at or lower than 10, but if the levels are higher than average can that be a good sign? I know it doesn’t replace a pregnancy test but just wonder if levels above 20-25 can be a really good thing.