Ahhh!! It’s going so fast!! 😆


Aurora-Fawn and Bodhi

Born 1st May at 10:14 and 10:15 am.


weighed 5lb 13oz and 32cm


weighed 6lb 8oz and 33cm

We went in for a routine scan on the 30th April and were told our baby girl was losing fluid and had stopped growing. They told us we had to be booked in for a c-section ASAP so we were booked in for the next morning.

I was given a steroid injection and we left the hospital and were told to return for 4pm. We rushed home to sort out our bags and childcare for our two older children before rushing back to the hospital.

We spent the night on the labour ward, the babies being monitored and I was given a second steroid injection at around 3am on May 1st.

We were told around 9am that I was going to have my c-section around 9.30 and we got clothes ready for the twins and waited (impatiently) for the longest half an hour ever.

We walked down to the theatre with the doctors and midwives and I was taken off to be numbed and prepped while my partner got changed into Scrubs.

Our little girl, Aurora-Fawn came first at 10.14am and my partner cut her cord. She was completely healthy and also 11lbs bigger than they estimated she would be.

She was joined at 10.15am by her brother, Bodhi. He needed some help breathing at first but quickly picked up. It seemed like forever while they stitched me up but they wheeled me back to our room on the labour ward with a baby on each side where my partner was waiting for us.

We only spent 2 days in the hospital before we could bring them home and now they are a week old.

They are the perfect additions to our family and their big brother and sister absolutely adore them!

It has been a whirlwind since 30th April but they are just perfect and it is amazing to now be parents to four children instead of two.

We are the proudest parents ever!

