Need advice :(

In a nut shell my husband cheated on me. He's living at his best friend's house. I'm crushed obviously and this behavior was completely unexpected!!!! I was sad, mad, and every other feeling. Two weeks ago I emailed the other woman... It was classy, but intended on making her feel guilty. My husband said she felt sad... That's all he said. 
Tonight I was angry.... I emailed her and basically said she was a coward for not apologizing. I also bitch-ily told her I slept with my husband this weekend :)
It's bad because even if things don't work with me and husband, I want her to also know what she did was wrong. And trust me my husband is not innocent (and I'm dealing with him....I have not slept with him through this situation.. Hope you all can understand it was just a fluke. I was in denial and in heat of moment it happened).
Is it wrong to tell her he's cheating on her even if i don't know what will happen to us? I'm so heartbroken..