

This sucks. After being 20 days late. Thinking i got several faint poistives around the time of my missed period, having several pregnancy symptoms, and was suppose to go tomorrow for blood work and guess what my period started today. At first it was just spotting so i thought maybe just maybe it was just spotting but now it has turned into dark red and some pink and also cramping. And the worst thing is, if i was pregnant i was going to make something to let my mom know on mothers day! Im her only girl and im the only out of my brother and 2 bonus brothers that hasnt had a kid. Shes never gotten to see one of her grandchildren be born. That is a special moment i cant wait to share with her but part of me cant help but be scared it wont ever happen. 10 years my husband and i have been together. 9 of those years we have not used anything to stop pregnancy. Ive gotten pregnant 2 times that i know of and both times ive never gotten to hold my baby. My husband and i have talked and in june were going to start really trying as far as tracking my ovulation, me stopping smoking, taking prenatals, maybe even preseed. If you have any advice please let me know.