Hypothalamic amenorrhea


me and my husband are been religiously trying for 5 months now but realistically it’s been more like 2.5 years, I stopped taking the pill 2.5 years ago, hoping to get pregnant just by you know making love with my husband not really paying attention to any mucus, signs etc and life took us to some beautiful places in the world that we didn’t payed much attention to not gettin pregnant we where so been busy on us and the life we were building together until maybe last September, we realized we needed some help I did my research and found an amazing Doctor on fertility who was booked for months we waited our turn that came on January after a bunch of test 1 week ago I got the diagnosed of Hypothalamic Amenorrhea

It didn’t sign in with me maybe till today

My doctor still really optimistic and I have faith

I read about it today and it doesn’t look pretty have anyone heard about this !???? Have anyone with this conceive before ?
