Feel so unprepared

Hello mamas!

I have felt so unprepared with this pregnancy. With my first I had everything ready by now. I’m 34 weeks and have a feeling baby will be early. I have contractions at least one day of the week and BH all day. I had my appointment yesterday and baby is head down and engaged. I was taking to my doctor about contractions and he said at this point he’s not too worried about them where they aren’t consistent. He said it’s pretty normal and my body’s way to prepare itself. I never had contractions with my first until they put me on pitocin after my water broke. I have my next appt at 36 weeks and will have my first vaginal exam. My question is when will they no longer try to stop labor?

***Not trying to induce labor. I’m just curious when i wouldn’t be sent home if I go to the hospital and trying to get a deadline to have everything ready by***