Blacking out after sex

So Saturday night, my husband and I had more intense sex than we normally do. Afterward I got up, pretty quick and went to the kitchen for about 5 minutes, then went to use the bathroom. After I stood up from peeing I went over to the sink to wash my face. After I inhaled to hold my breath to wash my face, my whole head starting like buzzing and my fingertips started tingling and my breathing got heavy. Then as I was trying to open the door to go to the bedroom my eye sight started blacking out and my body started trying to fall. It felt so much like passing out but I could still hear and my vision was blurry but I could see relatively and could talk even though it came out weird. My husband met me in the hallway and helped me hobble to bed. After he laid me down for like 10 seconds I went back to normal. Well I wasn't fainting but I still felt weird. And felt nauseous and light headed all the next day too. Could that have been caused by sex? Or am I really sick?