You never know when it will happen.


To all the moms waiting for baby to come and you feel like your getting nowhere. You really never know when it's going to happen. Here's the story of my first pregnancy with twins.

I saw my dr 2 days before and not much progress. The day they were born. I woke up to leaking, I called the office and they told me to walk around to see if I was still leaking, but I wasn't so they said no not labor. I went in to doctors office for my weekly non stress test, no concerns. Went home, spoke with my lactation consultant, I said I'm ready whenever they decide to come, she left, I went into labor.

Even with seeing the dr, having a false scare and getting the nst that day no one could predict I would go into labor. My body decided that day at that time to do its thing.

My point is you may not see progress but when your body decides it's time, it will all happen. How this helps, especially you moms that are 40+ weeks.