Dog attacked me pregnant and IM WRONG???


So my dog has had slight aggression issues since she was a puppy. She hates confrontation. Being yelled at. And she hates when you ask her to do something she doesnt want to do. If you tell her to get off the bed, she know bares her teeth and growls. Shes really just talking back (or so I thought). She does this all the time. If you ask her to quit playing and come to bed, she growls. She wont move or runs to hide instead of listening. Well tonight I told her to come to bed and she starts freaking out growling at me and snarling. I tell her no and and start to bri being her to bed by her collar before she takes off running to our bedroom. Sweet! Well then I get into the bedroom and shes laying on the bed to the point where i cant lay down. I tell her "off" (shes not supposed to be up there and she knows it) and she starts her growling thing again. Much more aggressively than normal. Well I get her off the bed and then she turns around and bites my hand!! I bring her in the bathroom because I cant have her acting like that and the whole time shes trying to bite me and growling extremely aggressively. My boyfriend gets upset with me that I woke him up. I tell him I dont think we can keep her with our son almost here and he freaks out getting pissed off. Says that's not happening. I will NOT ALLOW an aggressive dog around my son like that!!! I'm just crying because I'm so frustrated I dont know what to do with her. Hes upset I said we cant keep her but not upset his dog is biting his pregnant girlfriend. I'm just so upset right now with the dog and angry that she acts like this all because I tell her to come to bed. Its ridiculous and too risky for my son.