Mother’s Day


So every year, without a doubt my dad will tell my siblings and I “She’s not my mom, I’ll help you plan something but I hope you’re thinking about it” This year he even sent a follow up text message say “she was pretty upset last night thinking she would be planning her own Mother’s Day”. I understand that she’s not “his” mom..obviously. But it seems like he doesn’t realize that my sister and I are both moms too. My mother has been a mom and had over 30 Mother’s Day celebrations, yet they still seem to expect some grand gesture for her. I appreciate everything my mom had done over the years, especially when we were young, but like can maybe my sister and I enjoy a Mother’s Day without feeling like we’re catering to her still? My son is 2, and I’m pregnant with baby #2 right now, we haven’t announced it yet because it’s still early. I’m in the middle of hardcore motherhood right now, my sister is a single mother of an almost 11 year old...can we have a day for us? My dad could look at it as her being the mother of his children, and her children (2 of 3) are parents now too...maybe give us a break? I feel so selfish saying all this...but why should Mother’s Day be stressful for me and my sister when we are the young moms that need a day too?

Sorry for the long post, but do I sound crazy? I feel really selfish saying all this but I can’t help but feel like maybe young moms should be celebrated more on Mother’s Day than moms who’s kids are all adults and living on their own?

End rant...thanks for reading ❤️

Happy Mother’s Day!