Period 5 days early... Problem?

BabyK`sMom • IVF miracle born 4/20/17 x2 sweet angel babies 🖤👼🏻👼🏻 🌈 due 3/31/20
Good morning GLOWers! I was completely caught of guard and disappointed when my AF decided to come 5 days early this morning.. Since I got my iud out in June, I have had VERY regular 30 day cycles... Now this one is only 25? Wondering if this is just a weird cycle in general, and if that's normal... I don't think I ovulated, I got a horrible kidney infection half way through, and I have been on heavy antibiotics for the past week. Should I wait it out for another few cycles to see if it regulates? Or should I pay my dr a visit? I'm leaning towards just waiting it out, but have also had a feeling that something might be wrong...