The deal with pineapple

Gunce • Head of research at Glow. Unwilling infertility expert. 2 kids after 6 IVF treatments.

I'm not big on old wife's tales. I like my research to be conducted in a double-blind fashion with large cohorts. Call me kookie that way. 

So I spent my morning researching this pineapple core thing. Have you heard of it?

Several websites claim that if you eat the core of the pineapple AFTER ovulation and BEFORE implantation, then your little fertilized egg has a better chance of implanting. Pineapple core contains an enzyme called bromelain that reduces inflammation in the body, including in the uterus. It is also a mild blood thinner which some believe can aid in implantation. 

Sounds pretty good, right? Then there are several sites that suggest how to eat it. A slice a day (including the core) for 5 days after Ovulation. And a whole bunch of women who claim it worked for them. And of course, a ton of websites selling Bromelain supplements in case you do not like eating pineapple for a week. 

Here is what was missing: Any scientific study. I mean it. I looked everywhere the great google machine and my extensive list of medical journals would search for.  Here is what Medline said about it: Nothing. 

That's not the say, it does not exist. It's just that I cannot find it. If anyone can - please post link below. 

Having said all that - has anyone done this?