Should I go to a doctor

This doesn’t have anything to do with pregnancy or anything but I do want an opinion

So the last 3 days my foot has been hurting when I walk. It doesn’t hurt when I’m sitting down or anything but as soon as I get up to walk I literally walk with a limp

Its not my whole foot it’s kinda on the side closer to my ankle but not my ankle. I didn’t even do anything to it or drop anything so I don’t understand what’s going on

I’ve been debating on going to a doctor but I don’t wanna go and look stupid and them say I have nothing wrong it’s just sore

I work 8 hours a day 4 or 5 days a week. I’m used to working and being on my feet so I’m not sure if that would affect anything

I totally forgot a couple weekends ago my sister accidentally ran over my foot with her car. It wasn’t my whole foot just the top of it so I don’t know if that would affect the part that is hurting

What do y’all think?