Gutted with news of only one fertilized egg 😥


Retrieval was yesterday after only 6 days of stims as apparently follicles were ready. I just received a call that only 7 eggs were retrieved and only ONE fertilized.

I can’t imagine going through this again - emotionally or financially, especially financially.

I’m scared to update the few I’ve let in on this journey because hearing “all you need is one!” is going to be even more heartbreaking as the odds over the next few days just aren’t good. Afraid my only genuine reaction to questions and feedback will be a big fat😤

Any advice or thoughts or your experiences welcomed. Xx

5/2: Started menopur, omnitrope and gonal f

5/5: added Cetrotide

5/6: doubled menopur

5/8: 1ml hcg and first lupron shot

5/9: 2nd lupron shot

5/10: retrieval