Maternity Leave & Health Insurance

Bryn • 26. Mother of two.
While my husband and I slowly start TTC, I often find myself worried about taking a maternity leave. I'm a nanny so two peoples job rely on my job. I don't get benefits of course, so I don't have built up vacation or sick time to use. Again, with benefits, we don't currently have health insurance. 
I wouldn't even know how to break it to my nanny-family that I was pregnant. I'm sure they could find someone to cover a maternity leave for 6 or so weeks but what about bringing my child to work or having to do daycare. They are firm believers that children shouldn't be in daycare all day long so wouldn't it be silly of them to expect me to do that with my children. And of course, I make nannies salary so I certainly can't afford to pay another nanny while I nanny. 
Has anyone been in one of these situations? Advice, please!