A open letter to my womb


Dear womb

You have no idea how much pain you cause me, mentally and physically.

You’ve no idea how much it hurts my heart when you don’t do the job that women are supposed to be so capable of doing.

Month after month you cause me grief and heart break, I have so many questions for you.. why are you not a suitable house for a baby? Why am I not good enough to be a mother?

All the things I have given up to make you the healthiest home for a little bean, and yet I am denied of this again and again.

Ttc sucks. Unexplained infertility SUCKS!! And hearing the words ‘just relax’ ‘your young, it will happen!’ Is like a kick in the uterus. Watching all your friends having baby’s, watching them grow up, and having them announce baby #2 is cooking! Is like another MASSIVE kick in the uterus. I’m feeling very down at the moment, like I’m coming to a realisation that it’s not going to happen. And it hurts and I hate it, I just want to cry and cry and cry, but I won’t.. because my womb and my ovaries and my eggs do not deserve any more of my tears, they don’t get to break my heart again and again. But yet they do. Every month.

So here’s to the woman who is hurting over a baby who seems so hard to reach, to the woman who secretly hates her friends because they ‘get pregnant so easily’, to the woman who is starting to resent her body because it doesn’t do it’s job.

I feel your heart break..

I hear your cries...

I understand your grief..