Periods much lighter since the miscarriage (tmi discussion)

I miscarried on the first of June at 6w+1, and since then my periods have been much more regular - but much lighter. 
Now this would normally be a good thing as I've always suffered from heavy, agonising periods that last 10-12 days, blood nearly black, heavy clotting and clothes ruining flow, needing to double up and wear tampons and pads that need changing every hour. I have endometriosis, so that's not too unusual, however awful they were.
But since the miscarriage my periods seem more 'normal'. 5-6 days bleeding, mostly pale spotting but even on the heaviest days I'm barely filling a pad with watery red blood and no clots.
Pairing this with the fact that I'm getting positive ovulation strip tests but not getting positive digitals - 
Is this something to be concerned about?